Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Black Hole

Its 5:30 in the evening, and I have just woke up. Well, I had this semeter exam today. Talk about sucking the life out of anything, well the exams do just that to me. A month long of semester can send chills down any engineering student's spine...but what really cracks one is semesters getting over in just 15 days.

One might think, what? Are'nt 15 days of working better than a month long toil? Well you know what, that is precisely how we console ourselves. Let me explain...

There's this completely dusty book shelf, with even dustier books, like they have'nt been touched ever before. Then suddenly some guy reaches out for a book lying way down under the burden of other more frequently used things...because he has a semester exam or something after a few days. Now he has to complete all that tech stuff in just 2 days. Imagine, a full 5 month course in just 2 days...yeah! That is when he starts to hear that awkwardly familiar cracking sound.

So, being a normal to-be engineer, I have to go through all this...just cram, study, derive, solve; every wicked task in the world of education. This normal hu-man turns into a bat-man, sleepless nights, sleepless days and a world full of villianous subjects to defeat. Its in times like these that you feel like you are standing near a black hole...something sucking the energy out of you, and you just can't run away. You have to go in there and get out of its back...

So finally when I come out of this black hole, i have nothing in me to do but sleep...sleep till I can. Then I wake up, relax for sometime and now I am writing this post. But wait, something's pulling me...I am being sucked in...Oh, there's another black hole waiting for me...10 more days to go before I get out of all this...and then head straight for my refuelling home!!!

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